Saturday, November 14, 2015

Parties & Halloween

What goes up must come down, and so does my motivation! I've been quite overwhelmed with things at the moment and so far the only thing completely falling behind is the house cleaning. A usual sign that it's time for spring cleaning is when the spiders start taking over, but I've decided that even though the # of spiders in our home has increased I can live with that versus taking the significant time needed to clean the place and spray it for spider prevention.

I've had some interesting discoveries over the last month. For a long time now I have had wrist problems where twisting and using pressure hurts. Sometimes just typing and using the mouse at work hurts. I can't do the dishes any more because that REALLY makes them sore. On top of that I have been having more hip, knee, and ankle joint pains lately. Additionally, when Matt commented about how my hands are cold all the time I started doing some research on why I seem to be abnormally cold a lot. In the end I discovered I have the majority of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. This includes the sensitivity to the cold, joint issues, brain fog, acne, etc. The brain fog is a huge pain - for example I went to the doctor to talk about my wrists mainly and ended up forgetting to talk about them and only talked about my hormone issues! I feel as if I am some 50+ woman with developing Alzheimer's! I had multiple blood tests done and apparently I am 100% normal. Only one test came back positive which suggested I have psoriatic arthritis in my wrists and I need to see a specialist. I'm glad I don't have any serious hormone issues, but it is frustrating when I have so many abnormal symptoms (for me at least) and yet there is no clear reason why. The next step is to see a naturopath and a rheumatoid specialist.

My other discovery was that selling on Ebay is not always easy. I did two auctions for my old computer and the first time someone "accidentally" purchased it so I had to cancel. The second try the person who won never paid so I had to cancel the sale again. The third try I just did buy it now with immediate payment and that finally worked out. Geez!

October has been an eventful month! Here are the highlights:

General Conference for the church
- The two days we had for conference were entertaining. I enjoyed working on my puzzle for the Saturday Sessions.

- The Sunday Matt and I arranged to take a new member to the stake centre for General Conference. (he is 65 but long years of work and smoking makes him look like 80). After the first session we had to meet with one of the stake presidency to get our temple recommends renewed. When we returned to the seat, the old man was gone! Although he moves slow we couldn't find him! Eventually we gave up and joined some friends for lunch. We ended up making some new friends so I was glad we went. When we got back in the chapel for the second session the guy was back. Apparently he just went on a walk. Ironically this is the second time we have lost someone at that building.

Car Repairs
- I finally got my car to the shop (it had to be done before I could renew my registration). It was about $1000 for all the repairs, but I figured as much. There were a lot of things that were to the point of the car having a BIG problem. I'm glad I went when I did!

Breakfast in the Park
- We had a fun activity for church where we ate breakfast in a nearby park. We made bacon and egg sandwiches and hashbrowns. Matt had to use his painting tools to help clean off the BBQ, but it all worked out in the end. We played a bit of sports afterwards before everyone went home. It was a lot of fun.

Mexican Fiesta
- The Stake planned a Mexican themed youth dance last month and asked our ward youth to coordinate the food. This would have been fine if they had given me more than 1-2 weeks to plan it. I was very stressed getting it all sorted, but due to some AMAZING members we were able to have everything sorted for "build your own nachos."

What we didn't expect was that few of the youth new how to make the nachos since the majority are polynesians. We started creating the bowls with the chips, meat, salsa, cheese, and sour cream and slowly but surely more and more would disappear. In the end we still had about half the amount of food left. The Mexican sister in my ward even made some traditional Mexican cakes as well and few were willing to try something new like that. The brownies were gone quickly of course. Luckily we got rid of all the leftover food by the following Sunday after church.

Hanging out with Friends
- We went to a house-warming BBQ for our friends Mike & Erika Barnett at their new home. It was a lot of fun and there were heaps of people there. The following day we got to hang out with them again at a friend's place to play games. It was loads of fun and I made another new friend!
- Another week I went by myself to the Barnett's for a small get together and we all brought some cheese and snacks. As usual it was great and it made me hope for some day where I can have a great place to have people over and hopefully I can be just as good of hosts. Lately I feel like anything I try to host flops.

- We did pumpkin carving with the youth which I learned that what I think is simple may not be simple for someone who didn't grow up doing it. The youth did a great job regardless.

- We had a Trunk or Treat activity organised outside the chapel on Halloween. It was awesome to see so many people in costumes and the trunk "boot" decorations were great. We didn't have any great decorating plans so we packed the car with stuffed animals and the pumpkins we had carved. I thought our "trump" card would be that we brought our cat, but he was too scared with everything so we left him in the car.

Our Car - It's so Cute it's SCARY

In case you can't tell - it's a spaceship

November is an insanely busy month. Between church meetings, organising the next church Christmas activity, work, social visits, and other plans we've had for a while, it's no wonder I am struggling to finish this blog!!

- Matt has been busy working 12+ hour days, but he made sure to make time for the musical which we had book months in advance. It was AMAZING! The songs were very clever and fun, the actors were spectacular, and the script was full of good humour. Even non-musical fans would enjoy it. There were some differences to the movie of course, whether you have or haven't seen the movie the musical can certainly stand alone. I definitely would recommend it to everyone.

Melbourne Cup
- Every year there is the Melbourne Cup horse race which has often been called "the race that stops the nation." At work we get pizzas for lunch, do an office sweeps and watch the race together. It was my first time ever watching the race so I even bothered to dress up a bit. I ran the sweeps and we all put in $2 to draw a horse name out of the hat. It made it more fun since I suddenly had a horse to cheer for. This year was amazing because the horse that won had odds of 100:1 at the start, meaning that it had minimal chances of winning (click here for results). Additionally, it was the only female jockey in the race! Not quite your Secretariat type of story, but it was a historical moment and I'm glad my work provides an opportunity to watch.

Baby Blankets
- More to come on baby blankets. I have worked with the youth at two mutuals to make baby blankets and have determined that sewing is not their forte. I need to finish them all up at this stage and there are lots of little issues. Let's just say that I hope the owner's can appreciate the evident home made look to the blankets.

Well I know Shade likes the Baby Blankets!
Well I'm overwhelmed with life, but I'm just moving on. I keep having this feeling that I need a big change, but I don't know what or how yet. I trust the Lord will guide me and I will just have to wait to see how things play out. TTFN!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Another One Bites The Dust

I remember when I started this blog I had ideas of writing about important issues and perhaps some hot topics that I never got to write about when I was a columnist for my school newspaper. Too often life seems to take a turn you didn't plan on and plans or dreams go out the window. I realised this last month that some of my dreams that I had ten years ago are likely never going to happen. It is what it is.

Depression update - with motivation comes realisation.
I came to a turning point where I was motivated to do things again, but discovered that can also make me feel overwhelmed. It's like I was so focused on ignoring everything around me during depression that as I started to "wake up" I began to see the chaos around me. Although I am talking about my very untidy home, I am also talking about life in general.

I described it to my psychologist like this: Life is a mountain and before depression I felt I was about 3/4 of the way up and slowly moving upward. Throughout depression I kept falling down until I hit the bottom and just circled around it since I wasn't motivated to climb anymore. Now that I can climb again I tried to run up as fast as I could, but realised I was a long way down from where I used to be. Not only do I realise it will take me a long time to get to where I was, there is just as much likelihood I won't reach the same spot. For example: I remember always being good at following up with people and remembering important things without writing them down. Now there is no hope of remembering anything it seems if it is not written down, and even then I forget. The reality is that who I was is not who I am now, but I can only focus on my current strengths and hope that who I will be in the future is even better than who I thought I was before.
Image result for life is a mountain

Now for my list of events:

  • Discgolfing! 
    • For those wondering what that is, it is also called frisbee golf where discs slightly smaller than frisbees are thrown into baskets and the rules are basically like golf. There are even long, mid-range, and putting discs. 
    • We went for a Saturday with our friends Dean & Crystal to the only course I could find in Sydney. It's located on government property and you can only go on holidays or weekends, and this has prevented the course from having official signs to show you where to tee off and what not. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful day and a lot of fun. 

  • Relief Society Activity
    • After discgolfing I went straight to a relief society activity. There were uplifting talks and messages given (of which I missed some from being late), and then afterwards we were served lots of yummy goodies. I was really glad I went and had some fun talking about missions with a couple of ladies in the ward.
  • E-Marie's B-day
    • A bunch of us celebrated E-Marie's birthday. We spent most of the time chatting about different things and even a lot of gospel topics. You know it's a great group of people when you can just talk for hours about anything. It was also humorous because our host went and took a nap so it was like we had just taken over their apartment. 
  • Sewing Projects
    • As I said before I am definitely doing some more sewing projects. Here are some pics of my latest. 

  • Kitty update
    • Shade no longer has conjunctivitis but still has teary eyes that the cream from the vet is not helping. At this stage we don't know what else to do. He is happy anyway and Matt has completed his new shelf that he absolutely loves! He climbs up to it multiple times per day. 

  • Aquagolfing
    • We went aquagolfing with Brock & Kaytlin and had a blast. I thought it didn't sound that fun to just hit a bucket of balls into water, but they have targets where you can earn money or coupons which makes it more interesting. Matt hit a target twice and got vouchers for a buy one get one free. I was the fastest at going through my balls and didn't hit anything. Nevertheless I had some good distance at times, but absolutely no control on aim. 

  • Goodbye to the Barnetts
    • After aquagolfing we went to the McKeown's home to say goodbye to the Barnett's who are moving about 20 minutes away to their new house. We also celebrated Flavia McKeown's birthday of which I had made a cake for. I've made red velvet cake a lot lately, but this time I stored it in the freezer and later iced it using decorating tools so I could make it even. It worked great! Unfortunately my chocolate curls did not work out so well and when she blew out the candles little chocolate shaving went everywhere as well. 

    • The following day we also visited the Barnett's at their home for a nice dinner and games. We have really loved all of the families in our ward and it will be sad to see the Barnett's go, but at least they are still close enough to visit. 
  • Ward changes
    • I'm not going to explain a ward as I hope most that read this understand my church lingo. A couple of weeks ago we had a special church meeting organised the stake where they changed our ward boundaries. This means that about 1/3 of the other ward that meets in the same building will now be a part of our ward. This created all kinds of changes. For our little ward it is almost like doubling the numbers. Our bishopric got a new counsellor and the other ward got an entirely new bishopric. 
    • The biggest change for me in this was getting three new young women! This will be great in helping plan better activities as we will likely have more girls show up regularly. On record I have 15 girls, but I will likely only have 8 or 9 regularly attending church and activities. This also means the workload will increase, but I hope to get people called to help me soon. 
Well that pretty much sums up my month. The weather has been getting better but this weekend has been very rainy. I can't wait for summer, except maybe not the creepy crawlers that tend to be around during that time.
The huntsman on our porch - this one was actually aggressive and bit the stick Matt tried to poke him with. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Middle of Winter

I just perused over my previous post and thought "Well, at least I seem to write monthly!"
First of all to any friends or family members reading this, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being distant, ignoring you, not calling, not being involved in your lives, not responding to messages, and mostly for just not being your friend when you needed one.

Depression is something that doesn't like to go away easily and although I am working on it, the hardest thing has been to remember to stay in touch with others. The good news is that I do seem to be getting better.

I was on the depression medication for a month and when I ran out I never bothered to make another appointment to the doctor. In general this is usually a bad idea, but I knew this meant I really had to exercise more to get the same effect. I went to see the psychologist which wasn't at all like I thought. I imagined I would tell them my life story and they would provide the advice of what to do. Instead we discussed the things that I hoped to achieve by meeting with a psychologist, what would be a sign I was getting better, and the underlying thoughts of my anxiety. After that I finished the 7 Habits book and somehow the motivation just appeared. I don't really know why, but it's like I woke up one day and just decided "I think I'll start doing stuff again."

Am I cured? Certainly not! I am getting better and no longer feel the anxiety I used to, even in difficult situations. I am also motivated to do lots of things again and found myself very busy doing tasks around the house and other things I haven't gotten around to that needed to be done. Having motivation again has been great although it has reminded me of all the things that need to get done that I have been avoiding. I still have a long way to go, but at least now I feel I am on the right path.

Now as for other things, here is a short list of last month (since I use this as a diary too):

  • Argentina Fingerprinting: I got my police check documents completed but I am looking for someone in Argentina to send them to. They have to be physically turned in by hand by someone I authorise. 
  • Talk on Family History: I gave a talk in church on my family history and how because of our ancestors, we are where we are today. I did A LOT of reading for it and I think in the end I gained more from it than anyone else. 
  • Family History Activity: We had a family history activity that night after I had spoken in church and I was bummed that only 2 other members (one family) showed up, but at least that meant I got to eat lots of the yummy scones Flavia had made!
  • Cinnamon Rolls - YUMM! What more needs to be said? I will say that this was the first batch I had made in a long time and was pleasantly surprised that although the dough wasn't rising properly the rolls still turned out great.

  • Bluetooth Audio Books - I bought a Bluetooth hands free device for my car and I have been using to stream audio books from my phone. It has been awesome listening to conference talks in the morning and then other books in the afternoon. I just completed Sophie's World and have just started the Eye of the World (I've read up to book 7 in the Wheel of Time series, but I figured I'd start from the beginning for audio books). 
  • Stake Youth Activity - The Hunger Games: Our stake had a huge activity/dance for all the youth where they were divided into group and went through various games including darts, sack races, bobbing for apples, etc. to earn points. At the end of the games they had dinner and a big dance. Jaydene, Matt and I helped out with the games. It was a huge success and I feel all of our youth had a good time in the end including our two new young women!
  • New Young Women: We had a family move into our ward with two young women; Katie and Jessica. They have really boosted morale for everyone as now we have a bigger group and no one has to worry they will be the only girl to show up for mutual! It was a huge answer to prayer. We made lip balm for one of the mutuals and although the lip balm didn't turn out that amazing (I learned it's hard to get quantities perfect), it was fun and messy. We also did a big Christmas in July party (American style) with roast turkey, honey baked ham, chicken, roasted vegetables, rolls, and apple pie for dessert. It was fantastic!

  • FHE with the Laugery's: We had a fun night with the Laugery's in our ward. Somehow we ended up watching part of a documentary on the Sasquatch, but it was fun and I'm glad we are able to be able to spend time with friends. 
  • Drive-In Movie - Mission Impossible: With our other friends Dean and Crystal we went to a drive-in movie theatre to see the new Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. Matt had never been and wasn't sure how it all worked. He asked me "how is this a social thing?" I tried to explain, but as it was a cold night and we sat in our warm cars I guess it didn't seem like much of the big social drive-in experiences that I used to have in Utah and Oregon. They also don't have movies back to back like I went to in the states, and you still have to pay per person so it's not that cheap either. It was still fun and the diner had great food.
  • Jaydene's Farewell: We had a large break the fast at Jaydene's the Sunday before she left to Spain. She will be there till mid-September doing research and some other touristy stuff. So far it has been interesting running Young Women's by myself. All the youth decided to help out teach the Sunday lessons and as this is the month for the chastity and dating lessons I am interested to see how it all works out. I miss Jaydene, but I'm grateful for my girls that are helping me out while she is away!
  • Shade has conjunctivitis: Since Shade got home from the vet he started to have a squinty eye once in a while and then it started tearing a lot. After a couple of weeks we took him to the vet and they gave us a cream to put in his eyes. It is a lot better and less red, but it has not fully gone away. Poor squinty-eyed Shade!
  • Ice Skating: Yesterday Matt took me ice skating. He made me dinner when I got home and then we went to Penrith to ice skate. It was a nice date night, which is a rare occurrence for us. The only problem was that I am so out of shape that I got lightheaded from going around the rink really fast and had to quit early. 
  • Selling Laptop:  I am selling my laptop and replacing it with a Surface 3. I finally got overly frustrated with using a PC all day at work and switching to a Mac at home and realised I didn't even need a full laptop anymore. I've been trying to back up my files to an external hard drive and it is taking FOREVER! Mac puts all your original photo files into mini folders so unless I want to copy all the folders I have to individually open them all to copy the files. Thank you for making the process as difficult as possible Apple. 
  • Sewing Endeavours: As my motivation has increased so has my hobby involvement. I sewed an invisible hem on some dress pants that didn't turn out perfect, but it looks good enough for my first time. I later bought an overlocker (called a serger in the US) for 50% off and was wishing I had bought it before I did the hem. I still haven't read the book to learn how to use it yet though, but I have a lot of new projects to try.
That pretty much sums up my month! I am keeping myself ridiculously busy, but loving it. Life is good for the most part, but I could do for some warmer weather already because it is FREEZING!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Better Late than Never!

Preface: I wrote everything below and then never was motivated enough to enter pictures and complete it. Needless to say, it's old but I suppose it makes no difference if you don't hear from me often anyway. 

Three weeks have gone by in the blink of an eye. Now that I work regularly I struggle to separate weeks and I can't remember how long ago things have happened. Luckily I have at least kept a list of interesting things to put in my blog. So here's a list of some interesting things.

First of all, Matt and I have officially applied for permanent residency! Thanks to a loan from my mom we were able to get the funds faster so we could complete the application and start uploading the required documents. This means we now officially have bridging visas and can stay in the country until we get a result from our application. We have uploaded almost all of the documents except for our US police checks, which we just got yesterday and need to be certified first.

Unfortunately we discovered I also need to do a police check for when I was living in Argentina. I was not aware of this and have started the process. I have to fill out a form then meet with a guy in the city to do the fingerprinting and then they send it to Argentina or something to get it processed. The form is all in Spanish and although I am fluent, that doesn't help me know legal terminology and which option I should choose for things. I originally thought I would have to go to Canberra, but the good news is there is a representative in Sydney and it appears the process will only take a month. Hopefully this won't hinder our permanent residency application.

On another note, Matt and I had a fun activity with the youth where we made props for the kids in primary for their music time. Matt was very proud of his sun.

We also had to say goodbye to our friend Whitney who left back to the US. Before she left we had dinner at an indian food restaurant and dessert at Max Brenner's. It was a fun last night to say a 'temporary' goodbye to a good friend. Hopefully she will come visit or we will visit her in the future.

Recently we had a long weekend because the Queen's Birthday is a holiday and took place on a Monday. The Saturday before I had documents to sort and whatnot so I didn't do anything exciting. I did help my friend Cate with her Chemistry homework and later discovered that I forgot to take my keys and couldn't get in my house. Despite my attempts of getting in through the bedroom window on the roof I had to admit defeat and Cate took me back to her place. It was nice though as we got to went to dinner and caught up on life and then I watched a movie at her place while she studied.

That weekend Matt and I got into playing Super Mario Bros again. The back story for this is that we used to play a lot and even unlocked the final special level. It took a while and Matt used to get really frustrated with me because I die a lot and often got in the way. One time he got so mad he punched the wall, which luckily didn't harm it. Since then he refused to play because he didn't want to get upset with me. This time he hasn't gotten mad at all and it has been a fun bonding time for us. It's funny how well we bond over video games! I guess I'm glad we are both nerds.

Last week I went to the doctor for a pap smear because a year ago I got one and they found an abnormality so I had to get another one in a year. It was good timing because I had also run out of birth control - has it been six months already? Additionally, I decided I should talk to the doctor about my depression. In the end I came out with anti-depressants, birth control, and an appointment for the following week. Originally I really didn't want medication for depression because I was afraid of side effects and felt confident I could handle this on my own. The reality is that I'm not handling it on my own and the medication is just a short-term boost to help me find the strength and motivation to get help, exercise more, and do all those things that I know will help. Not many have probably seen the effects of my depression, but my husband certainly has. I am often lethargic, I struggle to keep commitments, I'm more disorganised, I often don't want to be bothered with social things, exercise always seems to hard, really good food is the best mood lifter, and I can get anxiety about almost anything. This isn't my normal behaviour at all and I think sometimes that makes me more frustrated with myself. At this stage I need a third-party to help me be accountable and work on the things that can help me get better. Stay tuned for updates?

To be more proactive about depression I have started reading my depression book again and have been listening to the audio book version of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I feel a renewed hope in my situation and although I am currently surviving as I am, I think that when I can finally overcome my negative thoughts I will become a better and stronger person overall. I highly recommend these two books to everyone, even if you're not depressed, as the tools mentioned apply to everyone and for every aspect of life.

Another interesting event is that we had a family history activity in the ward last Sunday. I discovered that one line of my family is linked all the way back to Adam and Eve! That's amazing that someone was able to do that! I also went on to my Mom's family history website and found all kinds of neat things and stories. My grandpa helped create the website and as I read his biography on there I felt sad that I haven't tried to get to know him better. He has published his own auto-biography and yet I haven't read it. Well this experience created a new spark within me to try and do more with family history. For years I've just left if to the many other members in my family, but perhaps I have more to contribute than I previously realised. More on this story to come, if all goes as planned.

Some other occurrences were the day I walked to the bus stop and found a house on fire. It had probably been going 10-15 minutes and I was the third person to get there. Two others had already made sure the owner was out and had notified the neighbours. The owner was a 30-something man who was covered in black smoke. Do you remember Mary Poppins when the boy sticks his face in the pipe and his face becomes black? It was almost that bad and you could see he had cried from the tear streaks on his face. While I was there a fireman car came and helped move the guy's car and ask a bunch of questions. Realising there was nothing I could do to help I decided to leave and saw the fire truck right when I got on the bus. The next day there was tape in front of the house and there were still ashes on the ground. For the most part the house looked in tact, but the fire was in the back and I'm betting most of it was charred.
Click here for the article on it.

Last night was a fun work night because we had another celebratory dinner for a good month of sales! We went to the Hunters Hill Hotel where it is pub/bistro. The food was great and the sales guys are always entertaining. This time I wasn't the new one as our new sales rep, Mark, was there too. I'm so glad I love the people I work with and can have a good time with them outside of work too.

This weekend has been difficult because our cat, Shade, has been sick. Thursday he didn't eat his last few meals of the day and seemed very lethargic. He usually greets us at the door when we get hope, but that day he didn't. The next day I tried to get him to eat some wet food and I knew it must be severe when he wouldn't even touch the wet food. Matt took Friday off work to take him to the vet and watch him. Shade's blood work came back normal and the vet gave pills to help him eat. He still wouldn't eat though and when we tried to give him his second pill his mouth filled with saliva and he spit it out. This morning I took him in again and this time they are going to keep him over the weekend with an IV to make sure he get fluids - he hasn't eaten or drank anything in nearly 3 days! They are also going to give him antibiotics and possibly do an x-ray. When a cat doesn't eat it can cause liver damage and ultimately organ failure - more so than dogs and people. There's not much we can do but pray and hope he gets better.
Update: Shade is fine! We had approved surgery for him and the morning of surgery he had pooped and was eating again. We took him home the next day and now seems hungry all the time and is spoiled because we feed him lots of wet food to make sure he gets enough fluids. 

You can see where he was shaved on his chest
for his blood test, and the two shaved sections
on his arms from where he had the IV.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


Do you have any friends that like spending time with and although you have time to hang out, the planning to hang out rarely happens? Well my relationship with friends Dean and Crystal is like that. Matt and I enjoy hanging out with them, but we struggle to make it happen. Last Sunday we all finally set up a time to have dinner and chat. It was a great dinner, but what makes spending time with them so interesting is that we do nothing but talk and hours go by. We all can talk about a wide variety of topics and rarely get bored, including Matt! It's awesome to have friends like that and Matt and I really need to make more of an effort to spend time with people. 

Mutual with the youth was also quite eventful this week. I was so proud of our young men and one of our young woman who actually took the bus to get there. That's commitment! We played a fun M&M get to know you game where based on the colour of M&Ms you took you had to answer different questions about yourself. Afterwards we played "Never Have I Ever." When I told the girls we would play this game, one said "you mean, the drinking game?" If there was ever evidence that I grew up as a member of the LDS church, that was a definite moment of proof. I had no idea it was a drinking game and had always played it with other members of the church. This was the Mormon Modified Version. One person stands in the middle of the rest who are all sitting on chairs. The person in the middle states "Never have I ever" and then states something they haven't ever had or done. Then all those that have had or done that something have to switch chairs. This gives the middle person an opportunity to steal a seat and the last person standing is the new middle person. We had loads of fun playing this game and learned some interesting things about each other in the process. Success!

Wednesday was also an eventful day. After work Matt picked me up and we went to see Evita the musical with Jaydene and her lab mate. When we got there Matt had seen this Udon place for dinner, which was really good!

The musical however, was not as spectacular as we had hoped. We learned it was an amateur production so there were a couple of mistakes, but the real issues I had with it were the main actress. Having seen Madonna play Evita in the movie, I had certain expectations. To see a woman who I thought was not very attractive play the role of a beautiful actress didn't really fit to me. Her singing was good, but I just did not feel she fit the part. In fact, we all found it interesting that the song from the mistress clearly out-shined the main actress. Later, Jaydene found out that this may just be how the live musical was written and that the movie version was changed. I would suggest then for anyone interested in Evita (Eva Peron) to just watch the movie. Matt didn't like it at all, but mostly because there is a lot going on and he couldn't hear the words to follow what was happening. Oh well. 

Nevertheless we still had a fun night and even got to see a little of Vivid Sydney, which had been extended to Chatswood where we saw the musical. 

The following morning I got to see a cute little bunny on my walk to my bus stop. He didn't run away as I got close to take the picture. I thought about petting him, but then wasn't sure how wild he was and if bunnies carry weird diseases. Still cute though!

To finish off my weekend I ended by horseback riding at Sydney Trail Riding Centre with a couple of the YW, Jaydene, and Whitney. Before leaving it was my day to help clean the chapel so I was happily cleaning toilets when Fekita found me and helped until the others came. When we got there we were late so they rushed us onto horses and go started. It was a fairly relaxing ride since it was just an hour long walk, but everyone had fun. It was Jaydene and Fekita's first time riding so they were a fair bit nervous at first. In the end they loved it and had seemed to bond with their horses, even though Fekita's was a bit lazy and stubborn. 

After riding we got lunch at Little Caesar's on the way, which has American pizza! You have no idea how happy this made me! We got Italian cheese bread as well, which was definitely the best part. I even had the foresight to get some waters from the nearby McDonald's and we ate a nearby park which happened to have picnic tables. 

There was a random little museum next to the park so we decided to check it out. It was really neat surprisingly. The museum had interesting historic items and things relating to Liverpool, including a special ANZAC section. My favourite part was the story of a German escapee that Jaydene found and we subsequently had all the girls read. It was pretty incredible story involving him digging out of his own grave, walking from Liverpool to Sydney, and eventually marring the girl he promised in the end. 

Johann Kuhlmann

It was a great way to end the week!