Saturday, July 2, 2022

Margin Around Life

Did you know I have had this blog since 2013? Next year will be 10 years! I'm the kind of person that  has grand plans and ideas, but the implementation isn't always practical. One thing I'm trying to learn and put into practice is to have "margin", meaning nothing space around all the other stuff. I have so much ambition that I squeeze in everything from work, social time, family time, etc. My problem is I don't have much time left over for the unexpected, spontaneity, etc. The universe has decided to force me to understand this lesson as I've had a cold that just refuses to go away for over two weeks now. I'm often the hare in the story where I sprint trying to get the maximum value out of my time, but then when the unexpected happens I am forced to halt in my tracks. If I learned to be more like the tortoise I could probably go longer without having to stop, such as not getting sick from all the stress and running around. My brain just does not compute not being 100% or more productive all the time. I'm trying to retrain my brain that a smaller output on a daily basis actually means a bigger output in the long run. I need to apply this to my financials as well. I've never been good at having savings or a contingency fund. So here's my two cents for today - we all need "margin". 

I'm skipping my personal video this time. Ironically, it feels like more work than just typing my thoughts. A friend pointed out they use Instagram to basically tell their family's story on an ongoing basis. Maybe I should switch to Instagram? Yet, I really enjoy writing. We shall see. Here's some family updates at least since my last blog. 

Matt's new work truck we organised last December finally arrived! This is the first brand new vehicle we have ever purchased! Surprisingly, it was better for us to organise a new vehicle than to deal with jacked-up prices for used ones. Such a weird market right now. 
  • I went horseback riding for my mental health day. It was awesome, but the guide wasn't confident in my abilities yet and so I was a little bummed the first run I had to trot. My horse Snickers did ok and at least unlike Lass wasn't trying to bite everyone that got too close. I even got to try barrel racing for the first time! 
  • Sakura had lice for the first time! We discovered this right before we were going to be heading out the door. She went to childcare late that day as I had to treat and comb her hair thoroughly. She did really well throughout. I was grateful I had my lice comb from Argentina handy and we had all the essential oils and other items around to naturally treat it quickly. 
  • Matt and I organised a date night to go rock climbing. We discovered that the place closed earlier than we thought. Since we had a sitter we went to the office and watched a show and called it a night. 
  • I also did a zoom call with my one of the ward counsellors and was called as gospel doctrine teacher! Yeah! I love teaching! I secretly hoped they would call me as I knew the previous one had been released and I couldn't think of another calling I had time for. So far I have been sick so I haven't done anything yet, but I have loved really getting back into studying. The last book I truly studied was in Exodus so I've been trying to quickly get caught up. Listening to podcasts on the last week and next week's reading about all the incredible stories made me sad I didn't teach. My favourites from lately are 1. The prophetess Deborah who aided a general in taking the Israelites to battle (Warrior woman?) 2. Elijah feeling lonely so God sends him a friend, Elisha (I get it Elijah). 3. The woman who miraculously filled all the empty pots she borrowed with the one pot of oil she had in order to pay off debts (Where's my miracle pot of oil?) 4. And finally, the amazing woman in 2 Kings 4 who asked for nothing, was given a child, who then dies and says "it is well" (WHAT?? How do you have faith like that?) 
  • I should also mention I gave a talk at church. I think I spoke too long because the poor stake speaker at the end was pretty short. Nevertheless, it was an interesting time because Matt wasn't well so I took the kids by myself. I abandoned them with friends right before my talk and by some miracle they were totally quite and calmly playing the whole time! This talk was good too as I talked all about trusting the Lord even when things aren't going well. I have had to remind myself of my own talk a lot lately so I'm glad I had the opportunity to study and reflect on that. 
  • I also had some amazing times with ladies from church and another girls day out where we went shopping. I am so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful women. 

This last month has had many frustrations, stressful experiences, and more. I am burned out, but I keep going. I don't really have another solution. This cold has forced me to slow down, but it has not eased the work load. In many ways I pray for a miracle and look forward to whatever solution or easing of the burdens will come in the future. Life is like a rock, it's hard, heavy, and bumpy, but with the right tools the diamond will come out clear and pure in the end. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Camping and Easter 2022

 Here's all the fun from the last two months!

  • Went camping in Girraween, NSW
  • Went camping at Inskip - across from Frasier Island
  • Easter fun - dyed eggs, made devilled eggs, and egg hunt of course
  • Festival of Sails 
    • speeding ticket and parenting scare
  • Went to Australia Zoo and fed the roos
  • Played volleyball
  • Went horseback riding
  • Started working as a provisional psychologist
  • My friend Eliza got married!
  • Kid updates
    • Azalea is becoming miss independent or at least trying to. 
    • Azalea had gastro - worst nappies ever!
    • Sakura is learning to write letters and her name

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Building Friendships

 So here are the snippets of my life over the last month:

  • Sakura started swimming lessons
  • I went to a beautiful beach wedding and saw some old friend and reconnected
  • Matt and I tried some new meals
  • Our fish had babies
  • Brisbane is flooded, but we are fine
Here are my videos:

TTFN! Ta-ta for now!

Sunday, February 20, 2022

What's Next?

 Another year, another time to make new plans, set goals, and decide what's next in life. I reflected on what I want to do with this blog. I've kept it going since 2013! Last year I stopped posting anything after July. Each year it has gotten more difficult to dedicate the three or more hours it takes to complete a post each month. I started trying to journal in an app called Journey which has been useful and I find that it has made me less motivated to do the blog. The purpose of this blog has always been part journal and part let friends and family aware of what is really going on in my life. I've now got another system for journalling so what's the best way to keep people up to date? I am NOT a fan of facebook posts in general. I thought of doing videos but then I have to deal with how I look and my poor video editing skills. Continuing the blog seems too time-consuming. Writing doesn't take long, it's the photos and videos that always takes a long time. So my new plan is to do a video recording monthly on Youtube with a bullet list of main events and post a quick video recap of the month that one of my apps automatically creates. No editing so there might be errors and weird stuff there, but I figure my friends and family that bother to read this won't mind right? 

If you feel you have been "left hanging" since my last post in July, let me fill you in. 

1. Started as a business partner at the psychology clinic

2. The clinic passed our NDIS audit (meaning once official we can help those with disability)

3. Azalea started walking at 10 months

4. We moved in to our new house October 9th

5. Got on anti-depressants - helping a lot

6. Picnic at Pemberley and the Jane Austen Ball (the highlight of my year - so much fun!)

7. Got solar installed

8. Got vaccinated for COVID-19

9. Finished Honour's Degree - Didn't get good marks on my thesis and got 2nd class honours. This was a likely a factor in not getting into any of the Master's programs I applied to as well. 

10. Sakura turned 4 (although she claims she is 11 and long like daddy)

11. Had Thanksgiving dinner with friends.

12. Went horseback riding after too long of an absence - it was WONDERFUL!

13. Lots of Christmas party fun. 

14. Azalea turned 1!

15. Went to the U.S. with the girls for my brother's wedding. 

Here's the video updates:

There are so many good photos I could share, but it just takes too long to compile them. For any of you that actually read this, I'm always open to suggestions of what I could do to make this blog better and more meaningful! Matt suggests I just quit the blog and do only vlogs - thoughts? Please let me know! I hope, if anything, this blog helps you get a snippet of what my life is like.