Thursday, October 3, 2013

Missionary Moments!

After weeks of waiting, we finally got the fridge repair guy to come fix our fridge. The freezer was getting so frosted that it would stop working so we were using a heater to defrost it every week. It is so nice to have a fridge that works consistently! This was the beginning of an interesting week.

The next day I went outside to spray some weeds on our back patio and for some reason I shut the door behind me locking myself out! Matt wasn't going to be coming home for another four hours. After trying to get the screens off some windows I remembered all the windows are locked. I remember the one by the bathroom didn't lock easy so I had to climb a fence and try with one had to take the screen off and I nearly broke it in the process. Luckily, the window was not locked and with some effort I was able to crawl through the window to get inside! Whew! I was concerned I'd be stuck out there in the heat starving until Matt got home. 

Since I didn't have classes still I was able to spend some time reading a new book called Tiger's Curse. Ironically it is about a girl from Oregon who goes on a journey to India with a tiger. It was such a good book I finished it in two days! The only problem is that it is only the first book in the series. I went back to the library to get the second book that was supposedly available but I couldn't find it anywhere on ALL of the shelves even with help. The book is hiding somewhere in that library, but I had no choice but to abandon trying to read the second one for a while. 
On a better note I've gotten to spend a lot of time with the sister missionaries lately. One companionship asked me to go on a lesson with them for an inactive member from Peru. She's an incredibly faithful woman, but somehow lost her belief in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. I felt impressed by the Spirit to share my testimony of Joseph Smith in Spanish with her. I was so overcome with the Holy Ghost I continued to speak to her in better Spanish than I had spoken in a long time. It was a wonderful lesson and I hope to visit with that sister much more often. 

Afterwards we met up with two of the other sisters and all had dinner, which Matt had prepared for us. It was so much fun to hang out with four of the sisters and get to know them better! We were sad they had to go so quickly, but we decided to play a game of risk to end the night. I was completely obliterated as Matt quickly took over everything. I think the game would have been over very quickly if Matt hadn't been so nice. What a great day!

The next week I had to get back to Uni and classes and I got to see what my next six week project was going to be. I'm going to be spending 16 hours a week on a project with lizards! In this lab they are doing a social learning experiment to see if lizards can learn to do a task after multiple viewing of another lizard performing the same task. I will be watching the videos of the lizards and recording results in a spreadsheet. Later I will also be able to help with the actual experiment as well. I'm very grateful to not be reading about more statistics!

Monday this week I had a MAJOR change in projects! I finally was able to get a hold of my supervisor for my Master's project next year. Originally we were going to work on a project with dog personality, but we've now changed it to work on tiger communication! My supervisor is going to try and help us to get funding so we can travel to the tiger island in Dreamworld and get recordings of various tiger vocalizations. I'm super excited! However, this has put extra pressure to get my literature review for the project done on time. 

Matt and I had a ton of overly ripe bananas this week so I made banana muffins which are always yummy. I was sad that our favorite recipe for them didn't make it here, but I found another one that still tastes good. Don't lose your recipes!

After two years of marriage Matt and I had to get our temple recommends renewed. We went to visit the Stake President on Tuesday to get that taken care of. The Stake President told me there is one Spanish unit in all of New South Wales in our Stake and he's looking for Spanish speaking members to attend. I'm still thinking about it. 

That night I got to assist sister missionaries with another lesson. The next day they asked Matt and I to come and teach the same guy. I've never taught a missionary lesson with Matt before and it was a lot of fun. The guy we taught is really awesome and I'm glad I had the opportunity to help share my testimony of the gospel. 

So it's been a very spiritually filled week and a half and I'm hoping I can keep it up! Matt and I have made all kinds of goals for the month and I feel we are doing well at trying to stick to them. Life is pretty good!

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