Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rising and Falling

What goes up must come down right? Well this last week has had some good things and then some surprising news.

Last week we had a great FHE with Brock and Kaytlin. Brock was excited because he won the game Zigity and in the past he hasn't had too much success with the games we've played. This week they both killed Matt and I at Sequence so I think it's safe to say Brock's losing streak is over!

On Sunday I spoke to the missionaries and asked what they had planned for their p-day. I was surprised to hear they had no plans because on my mission sometimes p-day activities were all I had to look forward to. So I invited them all to come to our house for games. I made a huge list of tons of games you can play with a lot of people for free and helped give them ideas for future ideas. Then we played telephone pictionary (click here for rules) which turned out so well!

Not too long after all 9 missionaries left to get to work I had the Young Women in the ward over for a movie night! Since the girl's struggled to decide on a movie I picked my favourite - Everything You Want. It was a great and busy day!

Over the last week I had a couple of meetings for Young Women's. I'm so excited to be working with these girls and the other leaders Cate Lynch and Racheal Laugery! Our first meeting as a presidency was great and I was positive Cate is very inspired since when we went to the Stake meeting later some of the things they suggested we were already doing.

Matt and I also have enjoyed watching some movies including Warm Bodies and Red Dawn, but my recent new favourite is Cake Boss. I've watched so many episodes that even though I don't like cake, Matt and I are both interested in trying a Carlo's Bakery cake some day. I think sometime I'd like to try and make a nice professional cake too.

Some really great things that happened this last week is that Matt finished building the stand for our new air conditioner! Finally we have a nice working air conditioner to keep our bedroom cool so we can actually sleep at night.

Also, I have great school news! Firstly, my financial aid has been processed and I will be getting my loan money soon. Secondly, I met with the tiger keepers at Taronga Zoo with my supervisor yesterday and we are going to start my research project as soon as the final paperwork is done! They have a great set up to do audio and video recordings. It was so cool to be so close to them, although unfortunately one of the tigers suddenly was really anxious and started running toward the bars where we were and full on did an aggressive roar. We're not really sure what set him off, but he seemed to be targeting the one male of our group and the zoo doesn't have any male keepers. Unfortunately this made the keepers more nervous about having us in that same area again so we'll see what will happen.

Some other great stuff is I've heard from my sister on her mission and she is loving it! She just left to Dallas, Texas and I'm so excited for her!

With all good news there seems to come bad news. Unfortunately I am getting less financial aid than I was originally offered because they didn't account for my scholarship money. That same day Matt came home and let me know that his boss said that as soon as this last big job is done that he will need to find another job. I know Matt is a very high quality painter, but apparently his boss would prefer him to sacrifice more of his quality for speed. For someone who has done very fast and high quality work for over 12 years it's not so easy to start lowering standards. We hope this will be a blessing in the end, but as Matt hasn't been paid yet we are running rather thin. We're praying he will be able to find another painter than can appreciate his high quality work and pay him what he's worth.

Oh and I guess I should mention today is my birthday....happy 28th birthday to me! Money is tight at the moment so maybe I'll celebrate later. Have a great week!

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