Sunday, July 6, 2014

Finding Little Pleasures

Sometimes when life seems "dark and dreary" it is the little pleasures that can make things seem bright again.

Over a week ago I found something to really look forward to. I was able to book a timeshare at the Gold Coast (courtesy of my dad) for November after my Master's is due! Additionally I also lucked out on getting cheap airfare ($130 roundtrip for the both of us) and a cheap hire car! Now I have something to look forward to after my Master's is over. 

As for some other little pleasures. I had a couple of really great experiences last week. We had a Saturday church activity where members of the ward got together had lots of food, games, and fun. My team ending up winning! 

Musical chairs
We were the Toucans
The next day I had mixed feelings because it was our ward conference where the stake leaders were in charge.  This was the day for my little ward choir to perform as well as a two hour long sacrament meeting. I was nervous about our choir performance and not sure I had the attention span for a long two hour meeting, but in the end it was amazing. The choir was awesome and I could tell all their practice had really paid off. Even the stake president said that he had heard some large ward choirs that would "shake the roof," but our little ward choir "shook [his] soul!" What a compliment! The talks were all awesome and it was a great day. I was also really glad that my last choir directing experience (for a while at least) was a really great one. 

Two of the missionaries that were in the choir and were transferred the next day.
As for the rest of the week not much has happened regarding my project. I have been working at home more and am significantly less stressed! I set goals for myself each day and do my best to meet them. I have gotten through a lot more work at home. I still am no where near the productivity level I would like to be, but for once I am decided to just set small goals and try to do better each day. At this point I have now come to terms that it's not possible to do all that I had originally planned. 

Working late...don't know why it's so dark though.
Shade sometimes thinks he can help
Aside from doing work I also realise its important to do something fun each day as well. I really need something each day to boost morale for the next day. Lately I have spent a couple of hours before bed doing something I want to do. A couple of times I have been playing Mario Kart with Matt. I've also finally gotten back to cleaning once in a while although I'll typically watch Netflix while I do the dishes. At least that way I don't mind doing it. 

Last Saturday we had dinner with our Indian neighbours. It was fun to get to know them better and I'm so glad Matt has been so outgoing in our area. He now has two more side jobs lined up! 

Some days I really just have to find the little pleasures like a beautiful sunset, making and eating yummy food, cuddling with my cat, or good times with friends! Never dismiss the little things!

Orange-soaked bundt cake!

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