Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Back to the Real World

This post has been way overdue!

Long story short I got a job!! I can say for sure at this stage as I have been working for a week and a half. I am the sales, accounts and administration coordinator for a company called Equip Office Furniture. Basically I do a little bit of everything administrative. The company is a small business which provides a customer everything they need for their small or large office furniture needs.

So what is it like being back in the "real world"? Good and bad. I like my job and the people I work with. I enjoy getting to learn about the aspects of the business and of course I still really like data entry. My first week I even got to go to a celebratory dinner with the company! It was a great opportunity to get to know the others in the company.

Steak/Rib combo at Hurricanes
Coworker John with his 1kg rump steak!
There are six guys and just the financial manager and I are women. No one in the company is LDS and most can't comprehend the decision to not drink coffee or alcohol. In fact a few of them are betting up to $20,000 total that I can't go the rest of my life without coffee or alcohol. They aren't mocking or rude about my beliefs, so I don't mind and just find it funny that they don't trust that I could do it. We did clarify though that they can't try to "trick" me into drinking and of course there's no actual money going around. They are all good guys though, and I was glad I could get to know them better as well as have a great big meal! 

The hardest think about having a full-time job is the schedule! I am at work from 8:30 to 5:30 but it takes me an hour by bus to and from. I constantly feel like I don't have enough time in my free time to get anything done. Additionally my body is really struggling with getting up earlier. I still haven't figured out when to work out because I can't motivate myself to get up early and most nights I am busy and can't do it later. Also, I believe in strong work ethic so I don't answer my phone or texts at work. This is hard to get used to when I for about three months I was at home and could deal with any household stuff whenever.

In the end I am happy to finally have a job, and especially one that I like! Not much else to report at the moment as I am still trying to sort out my schedule!

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