Monday, May 10, 2021

The Right Things

Ever felt like there is just too much on your plate, but feel like there's nothing you can do about it? That's how I am at the moment. I started getting involved in too many things and am neglecting my own self-care and my house. Sometimes it's just so hard prioritising the right things. So here are the things going on in my life at the moment, which may or may not be the "right" things. 

House Updates: 
Windows in, roof done, electrics done, and soon enough we shall have walls! It's gone surprisingly fast when there are delays for almost everyone in the industry. So far the builder has done an excellent job and we can see the difference in quality between us and our neighbours. 

Work Updates: 
A lot has happened in the work space for me. I am now basically a business manager for Matt's business and my friend's psychology clinic In Mind Therapy Pty Ltd. It wasn't my intention, but after many conversations with Jared we found our visions align in how we can help people connect to the right supports to have better well-being. Adding this to my studies has made me too busy for comfort, but we are hoping that once we get our foundation built strong, then I can transition in
to doing behaviour support for people with disabilities. Basically, this involves created a detailed plan for how an individual can manage their disability. As many of you know, I love planning so it will be nice to use those skills to help people while I continue studying to be a clinical psychologist. Watch this space! 

Growing Plants: 
We are trying to grow plants. We shall see how long this lasts. 

Meet Boi: 
On a whim, I went out with Sakura and visited a pet shop. We ended up coming home with a betta fish. Sakura decided to name him "Boi". 

Birthday Parties:
Multiple birthdays happening resulted in Sakura having lots of fun at playgrounds and other places. The last one she asked me all day to make a birthday cake. 

I got to go to some awesome girl's night birthday parties as well. I'm so lucky to know incredible women that I can do fun things with! 

Live production of Footloose
Live production of Footloose


Date night: We've moved on from volleyball and are exploring other activities including trying out the new Burrito Bar by our house. Another night we went to a place where they have a ninja warrior course, laser tag, and trampolines. Matt was shocked the warped wall was actually really easy for him. He surprised me too with how well he did on most of the course that now I think when he is smack talking people on the ninja warrior show, he might actually be right that he could do better. 

Basketball Team: 
I just started on a basketball team with friends on Tuesday nights. I'm absolutely terrible, but it's fun. It's the most competitive formal sport I've done in a LONG time. The first game I managed to at least sprint to catch up with the other team, but then the next game my legs were not prepared and seized up anytime I tried to sprint. I had to take the girls last time and Sakura loved watching me and cheering me on. 

Sakura loves... 
Pikman Sometimes we play video games and Sakura likes to watch. This time I let Sakura take the reins and we discovered she actually does really well at Nintendoland Pikman. 

Taking Photos 

The Beach 

Sea World 
We had a fun visit with the Arderns at Sea World. Sakura got to go on some of the rides for the first time. She LOVED it! Of course, the sting rays were still her favourite. 

Playing with friends 

Sushi - I took her to her first sushi train. We had a lot of gluten/dairy-free tuna rolls.

Her Sister I keep trying to record her doing open/shut them with Azalea, but they always stop once I get the camera. We just got Azalea's cot set up and Sakura was upset because she wanted to sleep with Azalea and I wouldn't let her. 

Azalea Updates:
4 months old and rolling from back to front! Geez this girl will be walking before you know it. 

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