Monday, May 26, 2014

Life's Twists and Turns

Have you ever played Life: Twists and Turns? If not, it’s an awesome game and if you can find it you should try it out. Life certainly does tend to give us twists and turns as this week seemed to be for me.

I had the opportunity to attend a baby shower for Rochelle Evans (friend from church). Ironically it got a few of us from church talking about birth control – while some people are ready to have babies, not all of us are! Nevertheless, we can certainly enjoy and help celebrate for those ready for that next step. It was a great activity and I learned that I know little about baby toys and products!

Rochelle is the cute pregnant woman in the white dress

Josie Mackie and I at the shower

Guess the Celebrity Baby game
We had stake conference that weekend as well. Saturday stake conference is always more relaxed and the talks given by our stake leaders and the Area Seventy that was present were awesome. I laughed a lot, and they also put a lot of focus on the youth. Sunday I had a short choir practice in the morning then Matt and I picked up an investigator, which resulted in us being late to the session. Unfortunately, we could barely hear or see anything and unfortunately didn’t get much out of it.

The next night we went to a special FHE to say goodbye to Reilly Cox who has now left for his mission in New Zealand. It was a wonderful night where I learned a lot about the history of New Zealand. At the end we all told Reilly why we love him and got to hear his testimony of the gospel. He truly is an amazing and faithful young man!

For Young Women (YW) we had a Pizza Planning Party! We came up with a long list of activities the youth wanted to do and although we had a rocky start we eventually had lots of ideas.  Tonight we are doing laser tag with the young men!

Piano being vacuumed
This last weekend was fairly eventful. I finally got my piano tuned!! Matt and I also went to my supervisor’s house so Matt could paint some overly colourful walls. I wish I had taken before/after pictures but it really made a difference. That night we also attended a LDS YSA (Young Single Adult) Dance Extravaganza performance! This year the theme was all art related, and every participating stake did an awesome job. The one year I participated I will always consider the best though!

I’m now reading Anne of Green Gables on my way to and from uni, which has been fun. Lately Matt and I have also been watching some newer movies we haven’t seen such as The Lego Movie, Planes, RoboCop, and Cloudy witha Chance of Meatballs 2. Last night we also went to see X-Men: Days of FuturePast in the theatre. I’m glad I always have someone to watch movies with especially when sometimes that’s all I seem capable of doing at night.

Unfortunately, things haven’t been all fun and games as things took a major turn in regards to my Master’s project. Long story short, I have to find a new company to get my surveillance cameras from. It would have been nice if I had known that earlier, but that’s just the way it is sometimes. I’ve found another potential company to work with, but it looks like there is no way to get the same high quality cameras I was originally getting. This is a HUGE delay, but I will just have to work extra hard to get everything done on time! It could always be worse!
Scared kitty - look at that fluffy tail! 

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

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